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About This Book
1.1 Learning Objectives
1.2 Patient-Centered Care
1.3 Holistic Nursing Care
1.4 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
1.5 Nursing Process Introduction
1.6 Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment
1.7 Evidence-Based Practice
1.8 Safety Concepts
1.9 Key Takeaways
2.1 Learning Objectives
2.2 Communication Introduction
2.3 Basic Communication Concepts
2.4 Listening Versus Hearing
2.5 Communicating with Patients
2.6 Inclusive Language
2.7 Maintaining Patient Confidentiality
2.8 Key Takeaways
3.1 Learning Objectives
3.2 Subjective Data
3.3 Health History Introduction
3.4 Health History Basic Concepts
3.5 What Is an Inclusive Assessment?
3.6 Cultural Safety
3.7 Preparing for the Interview
3.8 The Client Interview
3.9 Components of a Health History
3.10 Demographic and Biological Data
3.11 Reason for Seeking Health Care
3.12 Current and Past Medical History
3.13 Family Health History
3.14 Social Determinants of Health, Functional Health, and Activities of Daily Living
3.15 Review of Body Systems
3.16 Key Takeaways
4.1 Learning Objectives
4.2 Guiding Approaches of Health Assessment
4.3 Initial and Emergency Assessment
4.4 Objective Assessment
4.5 Health Assessment and Clinical Judgment
4.6 Documentation
4.7 Infection Prevention and Control
4.8 Key Takeaways
5.1 Learning Objectives
5.2 Introduction to Pain
5.3 Conceptualizing Pain
5.4 Classifying Pain
5.5 Reflecting on Your Own Biases
5.6 Pain Assessment
5.7 Timing and Frequency of Screening for and Assessment of Pain
5.8 Subjective Assessment Overview
5.9 Pain Assessment Tools
5.10 Unidimensional Pain Assessment Tools
5.11 Multidimensional Pain Assessment Tools
5.12 PQRSTU Mnemonic
5.13 Brief Pain Inventory
5.14 Pain Scales: Clients with Cognitive Impairment
5.15 FLACC Pain Tool
5.16 Pain Assessment in Critical Care
5.17 Summary: Subjective Assessment and Pain Assessment Tools
5.18 Objective Assessment
5.19 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
5.20 Key Takeaways
6.1 Learning Objectives
6.2 Introduction to the Integumentary System
6.3 Clinical Manifestations of Integumentary Issues
6.4 Subjective Assessment
6.5 Lifespan Considerations
6.6 Objective Assessment
6.7 Skin: Inspection
6.8 Skin: Palpation
6.9 Nails: Inspection and Palpation
6.10 Hair: Inspection and Palpation
6.11 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
6.12 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
6.13 Key Takeaways
7.1 Learning Objectives
7.2 Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System
7.3 Subjective Assessment
7.4 Lifespan Considerations
7.5 Brief Scan: MSK System
7.6 Objective Assessment
7.7 Face, Neck, and Cranium
7.8 Arms, Hands, and Related Joints
7.9 Thoracic Cage and Spine
7.10 Legs, Feet, and Related Joints
7.11 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
7.12 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
7.13 Key Takeaways
8.1 Learning Objectives
8.2 Introduction to the Eyes and Ears
Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)
8.3 Subjective Assessment
8.4 Lifespan Considerations
1. 8.5 Objective Assessment
2. 8.6 Inspection of Eyes
3. 8.7 Inspection and Palpation of Ears
8.8 Learning Activities
8.9 Supplementary Video on Eye Assessment
8.10 Glossary
8.11 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
8.12 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
8.13 Key Takeaways
9.1 Learning Objectives
9.2 Introduction to the Respiratory System
9.3 Brief Scan: Respiratory System
9.4 Subjective Assessment
9.5 Lifespan Considerations
9.6 Objective Assessment
9.7 Nose, Sinuses, and Trachea
9.8 Posterior and Lateral Thorax: Inspection
9.9 Posterior and Lateral Thorax: Palpation
9.10 Posterior and Lateral Thorax: Auscultation
9.11 Posterior and Lateral Thorax – Percussion **This is an advanced skill
9.12 Anterior Thorax: Inspection
9.13 Anterior Thorax: Palpation
9.14 Anterior Thorax: Auscultation
9.15 Anterior Thorax: Percussion **This is an advanced skill**
9.16 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
9.17 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
9.18 Key Takeaways
10.1 Learning Objectives
10.2 Introduction to the Lymphatic System
10.3 Subjective Assessment
10.4 Lifespan Considerations
10.5 Objective Assessment
10.6 Assessment of Lymphedema
10.7 Inspection and Palpation of the Lymph Nodes
10.8 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
10.9 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
10.10 Key Takeaways
11.1 Learning Objectives
11.2 Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
4. 11.3 Brief Scan: Cardiovascular System
11.4 Subjective Assessment
11.5 Lifespan Considerations
11.6 Objective Assessment
11.7 Carotid Arteries
11.8 Jugular Veins
11.9 The Heart
11.10 Inspection of the Precordium
11.11 Palpation of the Precordium
11.12 Auscultation of the Cardiac Valves
11.13 Auscultation of the Apical Pulse
11.14 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
11.15 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
11.16 Key Takeaways
12.1 Learning Objectives
12.2 Introduction to the Peripheral Vascular System
5. 12.3 Brief Scan: Peripheral Vascular System
12.4 Subjective Assessment
12.5 Lifespan Considerations
12.6 Objective Assessment
12.7 Inspection and Palpation of Hands and Arms
12.8 Inspection and Auscultation of Abdominal Vasculature **This is an advanced skill
12.9 Inspection and Palpation of Feet and Legs
12.10 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
12.11 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
12.12 Key Takeaways
13.1 Learning Objectives
13.2 Introduction to the Neurological System
13.3 Overview of Mental Health and Mental Status
13.4 Brief Scan of the Neurological System
13.5 Subjective Assessment
13.6 Lifespan Considerations
13.7 Objective Assessment
13.8 Glasgow Coma Scale
13.9 Introduction to Cranial Nerves
13.10 CN I: Olfactory Nerves
13.11 CN II: Optic Nerves
13.12 CN III, IV, and VI: Oculomotor, Trochlear, and Abducens Nerves
13.13 CN V: Trigeminal Nerves
13.14 CN VII: Facial Nerves
13.15 CN VIII: Vestibulocochlear Nerves
13.16 CN IX and X: Glossopharyngeal and Vagus Nerve
13.17 CN XI: Spinal Accessory Nerves
13.18 CN XII: Hypoglossal Nerves
13.19 Motor Function and Cerebellar Testing
13.20 Sensory Function Testing
13.21 Reflex Testing
13.22 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
13.23 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
13.24 Key Takeaways
14.1 Learning Objectives
14.2 Introduction to the Gastrointestinal System
14.3 Subjective Assessment
14.4 Lifespan Considerations
14.5 Objective Assessment
14.6 Oral Cavity: Inspection and Palpation
14.7 Abdominal Assessment
14.8 Abdomen: Inspection
14.9 Abdomen: Auscultation
14.10 Abdomen: Palpation
14.11 Abdomen: Percussion **This is an advanced skill
14.12 Perianal Region: Inspection and Palpation
14.13 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
14.14 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
14.15 Key Takeaways
15.1 Learning Objectives
15.2 Introduction to the Breasts
15.3 Introduction to the External Female Genitalia
15.4 Introduction to the External Male Genitalia
15.5 Sexual Development
15.6 Subjective Assessment
15.7 Lifespan Considerations
15.8 Objective Assessment
15.9 Breasts: Inspection and Palpation
15.10 Introduction to the Male and Female Genitalia Assessment
15.11 Inspection of the External Female Genitalia
15.12 Inspection and Palpation of the Male Genitalia
15.13 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Considerations and Interventions
15.14 Clinical Judgment: Case Study
15.15 Key Takeaways
Learning Objectives
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Nursing Physical Assessment Copyright © 2024 by Barbara Gawron and Meenu James is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.