

Black Woman lying on t a spa table.


In this day and age, many people are looking for ways to find relief from stress.  In years PC (Previous to Covid) we were able to freely visit spas, go on vacation, entertain friends, and commune with family.  In an effort to expose the least amount of people possible, many of us are sheltering in place. While some of us had homes that were ready, comfortable, and welcoming, some of us found that our sanctuary needed a little more work, still others of us found that we had no solace in our space or no space at all.   This resource guidebook is designed to offer suggestions on things you can do to find stress relief by focusing on your body’s five main senses.  We will include a few suggestions for sensory experiences you can create a home that will help you develop a new routine and relieve stress. This is an interactive workshop. So if at any time you find that you have suggestions, questions, or comments, we encourage you to leave your comments in the annotations section on the side of the screen.  This way, we can all add to the collective body of knowledge around the subject. All contributors will be notified when new annotations are made to the text.

After much research, one tends to agree that as the old proverbs states,

There is nothing new under the sun – Ecc. 1:9.[1]

Most, if not all of these suggestions from various sources, will be things you have heard before or things that may seem like common sense.  However, there is new insight in looking at things from a different perspective.  And if there is anything that the year 2020 has taught us, it is to look at things with new eyes, feel things with new hands, hear things with new ears, taste things with a new tongue, and feel things with a new heart.   Why not start this journey into the senses anew, with a  new appreciation for the things we have.    In the chapters of this book, we have pulled important quotes from articles on the subject matter. We have summarized the resources thematically, in a quick list format, with links so that you may research more deeply when you are ready. We hope this guide will be a great place to start. We wish that all reading will, Be Well and Stay Safe.

Rose colored Glasses

  1. New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures. Watchtower and Bible Tract Society, 2020.


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Stress Relief Through The Senses Copyright © by SunShine Ballentine, MA, LPC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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