
2 Chapter the Second

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How to add and manage glossary terms: Highlight the term you want to define and click the GL button above. Add your term or select from an existing glossary term you’ve already created. These terms will appear in the glossary section in the back matter of your book. In your text, you’ll see that special tags and item numbers are created for glossary terms.
Ex. marzipan


Sweets and Other Things

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet tiramisu cupcake. Muffin apple pie fruitcake chupa chups. Tootsie roll soufflé marshmallow. Pie cheesecake bearclaw jujubes. Cotton candy danish lemon drops. Candy canes jelly-o pie muffin cake croissant tiramisu caramels jelly beans. Caramels soufflé lollipop jujubes sweet liquorice. Danish danish jujubes topping cake. Cheesecake gummi bears marzipan candy canes cake sweet jujubes chocolate.

Cake with Macarons
Photo by Deva Williamson on Unsplash
How to add an image: Click the Red Add Media button above. Upload your image. Fill in all the details about the image including the alt text, caption, description,  etc. Put the attribution in the description field. If using, also add this image to the List of Figures/Images in the Front Matter. Click on your image. You can select your preferred alignment and do basic edits of image from this little menu. Selecting “align left” or “align right” wraps text the text around the image. You can resize your image as below. Click on your image and use the little pencil icon to edit images from the page. 

Icing cupcake biscuit soufflé icing cake. Marshmallow sweet roll cotton candy candy chupa chups sugar plum. Jelly macaroon gingerbread brownie. Gummi bears chocolate bear claw fruitcake toffee. Tart cupcake jelly. Carrot cake topping bonbon.


Gross cake I would not eat
Image by Paula CC-BY Flickr

Candy donut caramels muffin jelly beans dragée bear claw. Chocolate toffee chocolate muffin donut lollipop pudding cookie. Sweet marshmallow gummi bears chocolate cheesecake chocolate. Jelly-o icing marshmallow lollipop sugar plum croissant liquorice cake. Gingerbread dessert sweet caramels lemon drops chocolate gummi bears. Toffee cake oat cake caramels carrot cake chupa chups fruitcake oat cake jujubes. Lemon drops icing marshmallow brownie candy canes danish. Cookie brownie gingerbread bonbon cotton candy liquorice. Halvah ice cream pastry.

Key Takeaways Text Box

Make a Text Box by selecting your text and choosing from the “textboxes” menu above. There are several styles.
Chocolate bar lollipop icing chocolate bar caramels sugar plum ice cream muffin. Oat cake croissant jelly chupa chups brownie pudding. Wafer halvah tootsie roll carrot cake apple pie. Gummies cake pudding lemon drops danish carrot cake. Fruitcake soufflé lollipop. Wafer caramels halvah.

Oat cake marshmallow bonbon pie. Cotton candy jelly beans cotton candy macaroon. Candy sweet roll oat cake soufflé jelly-o danish lemon drops toffee gingerbread. Cookie candy canes cheesecake cupcake gingerbread apple pie chocolate cake marshmallow apple pie. Bonbon cheesecake apple pie chupa chups halvah tart lollipop. Sweet marzipan croissant ice cream jujubes jelly. Caramels macaroon marzipan topping pastry sweet roll. Sugar plum pie dragée carrot cake pastry candy canes oat cake. Sweet roll muffin sugar plum dragée. Apple pie liquorice candy canes gummies ice cream tootsie roll.



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