Disability Services and Supports

Illinois Life Span Program

Statewide Resources and Information, Focused on Developmental Disability Services and Supports

Illinois Life Span (ILS) is a program of The Arc of Illinois – a statewide advocacy organization committed to empowering people with disabilities to achieve full participation in community life through informed choices.


Ray Graham Association

Our Life-Changing Story

Founded in 1950, Ray Graham Association empowers those we serve and those who care for them to reach, grow, and achieve. We believe in your loved one and are dedicated to providing the best care for them and your family. With you by our side, we’re meeting the unique needs, goals, and dreams of the nearly 2,000 people with disabilities we serve and the 350 people we employ.

Our Purpose-Driven Mission

Thanks to your continued support, Ray Graham Association provides a loving community, stability, and personal care, for people with disabilities. Our goal is to empower people to:

  • Reach their potential by providing access to therapeutic programs, recreation, and family support resources.
  • Grow their future through neighborhood living, life-skills training, and employment opportunities.
  • Achieve their goals by pursuing personalized plans with measurable actions and results.

If you want to learn more about Ray Graham Association services, you can email ProgramServices@RayGraham.org or call 630-620-2222.




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Advocacy In Human Services: Tools to Change Our World Copyright © 2023 by Andrea Polites and Mary Beth Mulcahy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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