
Families and Crime

Module 12 offers an in-depth exploration of the influence of familial factors on antisocial behavior and criminal activity. By integrating research and theoretical perspectives from multiple disciplines, including criminology, sociology, and psychology, this module enhances students’ understanding of the complex relationship between parenting practices and the development of antisocial behavior. The chapter focuses on the interconnections between family dynamics and antisocial behavior across different life stages—childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive review of the literature concerning family structure and its correlation with delinquency. The module also examines the impact of socioeconomic factors, such as poverty and neighborhood conditions, on adolescent delinquency.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • identify attributes of an at-risk child.
  • discuss the relationship among family and child, adolescent, and adult antisocial behavior.
  • describe the connection between parental behavior and delinquency.
  • define the two dimensions of parenting; that is, responsiveness and demandingness.
  • explain how corporal punishment can increase the likelihood of maladaptive behavior.
  • discuss the connection between family structure as an at-risk factor for child behavior.


The relationship between family and crime is a complex and multifaceted issue that has been widely studied in various fields, including criminology, sociology, and psychology. While it’s essential to recognize that not all individuals from troubled or dysfunctional families become involved in criminal activities, research suggests that family dynamics and upbringing can play a significant role in shaping an individual’s propensity for criminal behavior.

Research indicates that children raised in stable, two-parent households tend to have lower involvement in criminal activities compared to those raised in single-parent or unstable family structures. A stable family environment with supportive and involved parents can provide emotional security, positive role models, and a sense of belonging, reducing the likelihood of criminal behavior.

Parents have a crucial role in shaping their children’s values, attitudes, and behaviors. If parents’ model pro-social behavior, communicate clearly, and set appropriate boundaries, children are more likely to develop prosocial behavior and avoid engaging in criminal activities. Conversely, neglectful, abusive, or criminal parents may increase the risk of their children adopting similar behaviors.

Adequate parental supervision and monitoring of children’s activities are essential for reducing the chances of involvement in criminal behavior. Lack of supervision can lead to increased exposure to risky situations and criminal peers, increasing the likelihood of criminal engagement.

Different parenting styles can have varying impacts on a child’s propensity for criminal behavior. Authoritative parenting, characterized by warmth, support, and consistent discipline, tends to be associated with lower levels of delinquency. On the other hand, authoritarian, permissive, or neglectful parenting may increase the risk of criminal involvement.

Siblings can also influence each other’s behavior, including involvement in criminal activities. If older siblings engage in criminal behavior or associate with delinquent peers, younger siblings might be more likely to follow suit.

Family socioeconomic status can influence crime indirectly by affecting access to resources, educational opportunities, and neighborhood environments. Low-income families may face more challenges in providing a supportive and nurturing environment for their children, potentially increasing the risk of criminal involvement.

Some studies suggest that criminal behavior can be passed down through generations due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and learned factors. Children growing up in families with a history of criminality may be exposed to deviant values and attitudes from an early age.

It’s crucial to recognize that the relationship between family and crime is not deterministic, and many other factors, such as peer influence, community characteristics, and individual traits, also contribute to criminal behavior. Nonetheless, addressing family-related risk factors and promoting positive family dynamics can significantly contribute to reducing the likelihood of criminal involvement among individuals. Early intervention and support for at-risk families may also be crucial in breaking the cycle of crime across generations.

Key Takeaways

Click on the > to expand the related statement.

Key Terms/Concepts

Click on the following key term/concept to view the definition:

Authoritarian Parents
Child Maltreatment
Coercion model of antisocial behavior
Common Couple Violence
Corporal Punishment
Intimate Partner Violence
Neglectful/Rejecting Parents
Permissive Parents
Social Deviance
Spouse Abuse or Battering

Modern Application

Disconnected: Youth, New Media, and the Ethics Gap by Carrie James

A book that explores the complex relationship between young people, digital media, and ethical decision-making. Published in 2014, James, a researcher at Harvard University’s Project Zero, delves into the ways in which digital technologies shape the moral and ethical landscapes of young users.

The book is based on extensive research conducted with teenagers, ages 12 to 19, from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds in the United States. Through interviews, surveys, and observations, James investigates how young people navigate the ethical challenges presented by digital media platforms, including social networking sites, online gaming, and digital communication tools.

James examines the ethical dilemmas that arise in online environments, such as cyberbullying, privacy concerns, digital plagiarism, and online identity construction. She explores how young people perceive and negotiate these challenges within their peer groups and broader social contexts.

The Ethics Gap: The concept of the “ethics gap” refers to the disparity between young people’s ethical values and their behaviors in digital spaces. James argues that while many adolescents possess a strong sense of right and wrong offline, they may struggle to apply these ethical principles consistently online due to the unique affordances and norms of digital environments.

The book emphasizes the importance of digital literacy and citizenship education in preparing young people to navigate the ethical complexities of the digital age. James advocates for a holistic approach that goes beyond technical skills to foster critical thinking, empathy, and responsible decision-making in online interactions.

Parental and Educational Roles: “Disconnected” also addresses the roles of parents, educators, and policymakers in supporting young people’s ethical development in digital spaces. James highlights the need for adults to engage in open dialogue with youth about digital ethics, provide guidance on ethical decision-making, and advocate for policies that promote online safety and responsibility.

Overall, “Disconnected” offers a nuanced examination of the ethical challenges and opportunities presented by digital media for today’s youth. It encourages readers to reflect on the ways in which technology shapes moral reasoning and calls for collective action to cultivate a more ethical digital culture.

Read, Review, Watch and Listen

1. Read Chapter 9: Families and Crime by Leslie Gordon Simons, University of Georgia

  • Print a copy or have access to this reading via a digital device for in class review and discussion.
  • To support the student’s reading of the article, they can listen to a recorded version of the same. Note that listening to the article is not a substitute for a careful and directed reading of the document.

This chapter:

  • explores the complex relationship between family processes and the development of criminal behavior, integrating insights from criminology, psychology, sociology, and family science to explain how family dynamics can influence antisocial behaviors in children, adolescents, and adults.
  • emphasizes the role of parenting styles and discipline in shaping a child’s likelihood of engaging in delinquency or crime. Authoritative parenting is associated with positive outcomes, while neglectful or inconsistent discipline is linked to higher risks of antisocial behavior.
  • discusses how socioeconomic factors, such as poverty and neighborhood conditions, impact family functioning and parenting effectiveness, highlighting that financial hardship often leads to inconsistent discipline, less supervision, and increased stress, all of which can increase the risk of deviant behavior in children.
  • presents evidence on the intergenerational transmission of antisocial behavior, suggesting that children exposed to harsh or abusive parenting are at higher risk of replicating such behaviors, contributing to cycles of violence and delinquency across generations.
  • analyzes different theoretical models that explain the stability and change of antisocial behavior across life stages, including self-control theory and life course theory, which account for factors that can either perpetuate or mitigate criminal tendencies over time.

2. Review and Watch Parents Should Not Be Spanking Their Kids, and Here’s Why (Parents by Nicole Harris, November 2022).

a. For an overview of the related discussion and related literature, refer to pp. 70-71 of Chapter 9.

b. Corporal punishment refers to the use of physical force, such as spanking or hitting, to discipline or correct a child’s behavior.

c. Many child development experts, pediatric associations, and human rights organizations strongly advise against using corporal punishment. Research has shown that it can have negative effects on a child’s emotional and psychological well-being, leading to increased aggression, antisocial behavior, and mental health problems. It may also damage the parent-child relationship and erode trust between the child and their parents.

d. Instead, experts recommend positive discipline methods that focus on teaching and guiding children through age-appropriate consequences, setting clear boundaries, using effective communication, and providing positive reinforcement for good behavior. These methods are believed to be more effective in promoting long-term behavioral and emotional development while fostering a healthier parent-child relationship.

e. It is important for parents to understand the potential consequences of using corporal punishment and consider alternative discipline strategies that promote a supportive and nurturing environment for their children.

3. Review The Statistics Don’t Lie: Fathers Matter (National Fatherhood Initiative®, last accessed, July 2023).

a. For an overview of the related discussion and related literature, refer to pp. 71-72 of Chapter 9.

4. Review The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) (CDC, last accessed, August 2023).

a. For an overview of the related discussion and related literature, refer to pp. 73-74 of Chapter 9.

5. Watch The Making of a Juvenile Delinquent | Byron Williams | TEDxDanielHandHS (TEXx Talks, May 3, 2023) [also embedded below]

a. Throughout the program, think about possible links between parenting and delinquency.

b. Identify ways that Mr. Williams’ commitment to fatherhood and family guard against antisocial behavior.

6. Listen to a Successful Parenting podcast of your choice (last accessed, November 2024).

a. Sociologists, psychologists, and criminologists have produced a voluminous amount research examining the relationship between parental behavior and delinquency.


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Read, Review, Watch and Listen to all listed materials by the due date listed within the course LMS (i.e., Blackboard) site.

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ACTIVITY – Family-Based Interventions: Breaking the Link Between Ineffective Parenting and Delinquency


Students should review the course syllabus to determine the assignment of this activity.

This is a copy of the module’s activity that students find within Blackboard. For that reason, refer to the Activities page to submit your work for review.


The general policy implication from this emphasis is that prevention and rehabilitation programs should be started as early as is feasible. Programs to improve the health of newborns have become much more popular in recent years. Home visiting programs, where nurses visit mothers before and after the birth of their child, have shown a great deal of promise. Family-based interventions, such as training programs to provide parental management skills, have accumulated a track record of modest success. For example, the most recent “second-generation” family-based intervention from Gerald Patterson and his colleagues is called the Family Check-Up (FCU). This program aims to reduce childhood conduct problems by targeting disrupted or unskilled family management. The FCU is a brief, three-session intervention with an optional parent management training component. Because FCU is new, it is not yet known whether the program reduces delinquency or crime. The National Institute of Justice considers it “promising” based on evidence that it does reduce childhood problem behavior and increase positive parenting practices.


The purpose of this activity is to learn about family-based interventions and consider the importance childhood in the development of crime.


  1. Red the section labeled Linking Parenting to Delinquency (pp. 68-70) within the Module 12 reading; that is, Chapter 9 Families And Crime by Leslie Gordon Simons, University of Georgia.
  2. Review the National Home Visiting Resource Center’s (NHVRC) overview, Who Is Being Served?
  3. Watch Home Visiting – A Closer Look | Pew ( also embedded below)

Answer the following questions:

    1. From a General Theory of Crime (GTC) perspective (Hirshi, 1969) explain how the NHVRC might improve the parent’s ability to develop self-control within their children. Be specific, refer to the related key terms/concepts, and incorporate elements of GTC as presented within the reading?
    2. According to the National Home Visiting Resource Center (2022), only 1.7 percent of the approximately 17.6 million pregnant caregivers and parenting families who could benefit from home visiting receive services. Identify reasons that some high-priority families do not gain access to services. Be as specific as possible. Meaning, incorporate key terms/concepts into your response.
    3. Identify and describe what you believe is one of the most important things/skills that the Home Visiting program might teach a participating parent. Be specific.


Key Terms/Concepts

Responsiveness – Involves the extent to which parents are approachable, warm, supportive, and attuned to the needs of the child.

Demandingness – The extent to which the parents exercise control over the child through, supervision, disciplinary efforts, and a willingness to consistently impose consequences for violations of expected behavior.

Permissive Parents – A type of parent who rank high on responsiveness but low on demandingness.

Authoritarian Parents – A type of parent who rank low on responsiveness and high on demandingness.

Neglectful/Rejecting Parents – A type of parent who rank low on both responsiveness and demandingness.

Authoritative Parents – A type of parent who rank high on both responsiveness and demandingness.

Discussion Questions

  1. Considering that children from stable, two-parent households tend to have lower involvement in crime, how might policymakers and community leaders create programs or initiatives that support and reinforce family stability?
  2. How do different parenting styles, specifically authoritative versus authoritarian, impact a child’s likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior?
  3. What interventions can be proposed to educate parents on effective parenting techniques that minimize the risk of delinquency?
  4. Discuss the implications of the finding that criminal behavior can be passed down through generations.
  5. Evaluate the role of sibling relationships in criminal behavior. Should intervention programs focus more on sibling dynamics and their influence on behavior, especially in families where one or more children are already involved in crime?
  6. How does socioeconomic status indirectly influence a child’s propensity for criminal behavior?

Supplemental Resources


  1. Simons, L. G. (2009). Families and Crime. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st Century Reference Series21st Century CriminologyA Reference Handbook (Vol. 1, pp. 67-75). SAGE Reference. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3201600019/GVRL?u=cod_lrc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=38f46ed0




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Criminology: Foundations and Modern Applications Copyright © 2023 by Eric Ramirez-Thompson, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.