Psychology of Crime

Module 6 explores the interaction between psychological factors and criminal behavior. The examination between psychology and crime provides an opportunity to consider how individual psychological characteristics, experiences, and processes can contribute to the commission of criminal acts. The field of forensic psychology focuses on understanding how psychological principles can shed light on the causes of crime, the motivations of offenders, and the impact of crime on victims and society. It also examines the application of psychological knowledge in the criminal justice system to better understand and address criminal behavior. It’s important to note that while psychology can provide valuable insights into criminal behavior, it is just one piece of a larger puzzle. Criminal behavior is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon influenced by social, economic, cultural, and environmental factors, in addition to individual psychological traits. The integration of psychological knowledge with other disciplines, such as sociology, criminology, and law, is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of crime and the development of effective strategies for crime prevention, intervention, and justice.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • explain how mental illness relates to crime in general.
  • describe the fundamentals of psychoanalytic theory, including Freudian elements of personality and defense mechanisms.
  • enumerate the three learning mechanisms operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and observational learning and how they relate to theories of crime.
  • explain cognitive structure and cognitive content and how they have been applied to criminal behavior.
  • distinguish between general personality research and research on a “criminal personality.” Furthermore, be able to provide examples of general traits related to crime and the specific attributes of a psychopath.
  • summarize the debate on the relationship between IQ and criminal behavior.
  • discuss the contributions of psychology to the study of crime.
  • identify the major principles of psychological perspectives of criminal behavior.
  • explain how personality explains criminality.
  • recognize the treatment implications of psychological understandings of criminality.


The psychology of crime is the study of the psychological factors that contribute to criminal behavior, including the motivations, thoughts, emotions, and personality traits of individuals involved in illegal activities. This field of study seeks to understand why some individuals engage in criminal acts while others do not and how psychological factors interact with social, environmental, and cultural influences to shape criminal behavior.

Certain personality traits have been associated with an increased likelihood of criminal behavior. Traits such as impulsivity, sensation-seeking, low empathy, aggressiveness, and a lack of conscience or guilt (associated with psychopathy) have been linked to criminal conduct.

Cognitive factors play a role in criminal behavior. Deficits in decision-making, problem-solving skills, and executive functions can lead individuals to engage in criminal acts as a way of addressing their problems or achieving their goals.

Mental health issues can be relevant to criminal behavior, particularly in cases of severe disorders like antisocial personality disorder, conduct disorder, or substance use disorders. However, it is essential to recognize that most people with mental health issues are not involved in criminal activities.

Adverse childhood experiences, such as physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or exposure to violence, can significantly impact an individual’s likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior later in life. Early trauma can affect brain development and lead to maladaptive coping strategies.

The social learning theory suggests that individuals learn behaviors, including criminal ones, through observation and imitation of others. Exposure to criminal role models or environments can contribute to the adoption of criminal behavior.

Family influences, such as inconsistent discipline, family conflict, or a lack of parental supervision, can impact an individual’s likelihood of engaging in criminal conduct. A dysfunctional family environment may contribute to the development of delinquent behavior.

Peer relationships and social networks can play a significant role in criminal behavior. Association with delinquent peers can reinforce criminal attitudes and behavior, leading to further involvement in criminal activities.

Substance abuse can impair judgment and increase the likelihood of engaging in criminal acts to obtain drugs or maintain an addiction.

Advances in neuroscience have shown that brain structure and functioning can influence behavior, including criminal conduct. Abnormalities in certain brain regions may be associated with increased aggression or impulsivity.

The psychology of crime is a complex and multidimensional field that considers various individual and environmental factors. It’s essential to understand that criminal behavior is the result of an intricate interplay between biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors. By integrating psychological knowledge with other disciplines, policymakers and practitioners can develop more effective prevention and intervention strategies to address criminal behavior and promote public safety. Moreover, understanding the psychological aspects of crime can also contribute to efforts aimed at rehabilitation and reducing recidivism among offenders.

Key Takeaways

  • Psychological theories of crime focus on the association among intelligence, personality, learning, and criminal behavior.
  • Psychodynamic theory suggests that criminal behavior is influenced by unconscious mental processes, early childhood experiences, and the id, ego, and superego.
  • Behavioral theory proposes that criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others and the environment, especially through modeling and social learning.
  • Cognitive theory emphasizes the role of mental processes, such as moral reasoning, information processing, and problem-solving, in criminal behavior.
  • Personality and intelligence are two factors that may affect criminal behavior, according to various measures and models, such as the Big Five, IQ, and psychopathy.

Key Terms/Concepts

Albert Bandura (1925-2021)
Antisocial Personality
Attachment Theory
Behavioral Theory
Behavioral Conditioning
Big Five Model of Personality
Charles Goring (1870-1919)
Cognitive Theory
Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904)
Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987)
Modeling Theory
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
Trait Theory

Modern Application


Cyberpsychology, a discipline at the intersection of psychology and technology, explores how digital environments impact human behavior, cognition, and emotions. As the digital age progresses, understanding the psychological aspects of online interactions becomes increasingly crucial, especially in the context of deviance and crime. This field sheds light on the motivations, behaviors, and profiles of individuals engaging in cyber deviance, such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking, hacking, and other forms of cybercrime. Through cyberpsychology, researchers analyze how the anonymity, perceived detachment, and vast audience reach of the internet contribute to deviant behaviors online.

The application of cyberpsychology in understanding cyber deviance and crime is multifaceted. It helps in identifying psychological traits that predispose individuals to engage in cybercriminal activities, understanding the impact of digital environments on behavior, and developing psychological profiles of potential offenders. This knowledge is instrumental in crafting strategies and tools to combat cybercrime, including the design of safer online environments, the implementation of digital literacy programs, and the enhancement of cybersecurity measures.

Moreover, cyberpsychology contributes to the development of intervention strategies aimed at preventing cyber deviance and assisting victims. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of cybercrime, professionals can create more effective education and awareness programs, improve legal and policy frameworks, and devise therapeutic interventions for those affected by cybercrime.

However, the rapid evolution of technology and the complexity of online interactions pose significant challenges for cyberpsychology. Ethical concerns, the need for cross-disciplinary research, and the dynamic nature of digital technologies demand continuous adaptation and innovation in the field. Despite these challenges, cyberpsychology remains a vital discipline for addressing the complexities of deviance and crime in the twenty-first century, offering insights and solutions to secure cyberspace and protect individuals from the psychological impacts of cybercrime.

The CyberPsychology of CyberCrime – Mary Aiken, RCSI (Web Summit, Dec. 2015)

Read, Review, Watch and Listen

1. Read Chapter 31: Psychological Theories of Crime by John W. Clark, Troy University (Clark, 2009)

  • Print a copy or have access to this reading via a digital device for in class review and discussion.
  • You can choose to listen to the article by clicking on the listen icon   located within the navigation bar associated with the article.

2. Review Saul Mcleod’s Operant Conditioning: What It Is, How It Works, And Examples (Simply Psychology, June 2023)

3. Review Saul Mcleod’s Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment On Social Learning (Simply Psychology, June 2023)

a. Albert Bandura developed a comprehensive social cognition theory of aggression that depends on cognitive processes for its explanatory power.

b. Everyone is capable of aggression but must learn how to behave aggressively.

c. Central to his theory are the ideas of observation, imitation, and modeling. People learn to act (aggressively or otherwise) by observing others, either in person or in the media.

4. Review Kendra Cherry’s What Are the Big 5 Personality Traits? Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (verywell mind, March 2023)

a. Hans Eysenck explained crime as the result of fundamental personality characteristics or traits, which he believed are largely inherited.

b. He believed the degree to which three universal supertraits are present in an individual accounts for his or her unique personality.

c. Termed these supertraits introversion/extraversion; neuroticism/emotional stability; psychoticism – people who score high on any of these are not easily socialized or conditioned and commit more crime in adulthood.

d. Psychoticism thought to be closely correlated with criminality at all stages.

e. Today, trait theories of personality have expanded to the Five Factor Model with five basic traits: openness to experience, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and agreeableness.

5. Review NBC News’ The shape of your brain may strongly influence your thoughts and behavior, study finds (Bendix, A. , May 21, 2023) [last accessed July 2023]

6. Watch Social Learning Theory: Bandura’s Bobo Beatdown Experiments (Sprouts, 2022)

a. Social learning theory suggests that all behaviors, including crime, are learned in much the same way, involving the acquisition of norms, values, and patterns of behavior conducive to crime, so that crime is a product of the social environment rather than an innate characteristic of some individuals.

7. Watch Psychoanalytic Theory (Khan Academy, 2015)

a. Psychoanalytic theory, based on the work of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), suggests that criminal behavior is maladaptive, the result of inadequacies inherent in the offender’s personality which is formed by early childhood experiences that influence his or her likelihood for committing future crimes.

b. Psychoanalysis suggests that one possible cause of crime may be a poorly developed superego, which leaves the individual operating without a moral guide.

8. Watch TEDx Talks (May 2016), Brian Boutwell: The Future of Criminology Saint Louis University [14:34] (TED, 2021) – also embedded below.

9. Watch and Review How Sociopaths Are Different from Psychopaths by Marcia Purse (verywell mind, November 2022)

a. The concept of the psychopathic personality was developed by Hervey Cleckley, who described a psychopath as a “moral idiot,” with poverty of affect as the central defining characteristic.

b. There are several different types of psychopaths, including sociopaths, who are born with a normal personality but develop psychopathic characteristics due to personal experiences early in life.

c. Today, the terms “psychopath” and “sociopath” have fallen out of favor and have been replaced by the concept of antisocial personality.

10.  Watch JCS’ What Pretending to be crazy looks like (May 2021)

11. Watch Psychopath Child (AP Psychology, August 2013)

To access the PPT file, click HERE. Note that files are updated regularly and as such might change in content and appearance.

Read, Review, Watch and Listen to all listed materials by the due date listed within the course LMS (i.e., Blackboard) site.

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The Future of Criminology Saint Louis University


Students should review the course syllabus to determine the assignment of this activity.

This is a copy of the module’s activity that students find within Blackboard. For that reason, refer to the Activities page to submit your work for review.

Violent Video Games and Crime Nexus?


The theory building process requires that we can establish testable assumptions that account for a set of facts.  Such facts provide a premise from which we can address contemporary social challenges within the context of a modern society.  For example, there is much debate regarding the potential harm caused by violent media, music, and video games.  The purpose of this topic forum is to provide students with an opportunity to explore the possible correlation between video games and violence as part of developing an understanding of evidence-based criminology.


  1. Review behavioral theory as explained within Chapter 31 Psychological Theories of Crime (p. 274)
  2. Read attached article from Do Violent Video Games Make Kids More Violent and explore a few of those links embedded within the file.
  3. Watch Video 1Video game violence linked to bad behavior, study says (also embedded below)
  4. Watch Video 2How do video games affect behavior? (also embedded below)

Answer the following questions:
  • Use modeling theory within the context of social learning theory to explain how you believe violent video games might affect a player’s emotions and influence their perceptual or emotional view of the world and increase the likelihood of maladaptive behavior.
  • Summarize how playing violent video games might influence a person’s real-life behavior?
  • A recent summary of this emerging literature finds a moderate correlation between exposure to violent video games and both aggression and lack of empathy. An exclusive review of studies of criminal aggression, however, did not find that video gaming had a significant impact. Skeptics of the link between media exposure and real-world violence also point out that both cross-national research and American crime trends cast doubt on the existence of a large effect. Using aspects of Module 6, explain whether or not you believe there is in fact a connection between video games and real-world violence.

Key Terms/Concepts

Definitions for these terms are found within Module 6

  • Albert Bandura
  • Behavioral Theory
  • Behavioral Conditioning
  • Modeling Theory

Refer to the course learning management system (LMS); that is Blackboard (BB), for the correct due date. In addition, submit your work via BB for grading.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does the development of the id, ego, and superego influence deviant and/or criminal behavior?
  2. How does social learning theory explain the acquisition of violent and aggressive behavior?
  3. What are the three primary sources of behavior modeling according to Bandura?
  4. How does moral development theory account for the different stages of moral reasoning?
  5. What are some factors that may impair the information-processing abilities of criminal offenders?
  6. How does the Big Five model of personality measure individual differences in personality?
  7. What are some personality traits that are correlated with delinquent and criminal behavior?
  8. What are the arguments for and against the nature-versus-nurture debate in relation to intelligence and crime?

Supplemental Resources


  1. Clark, J. W. (2009). Psychological Theories of Crime. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st Century Reference Series. 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook (Vol. 1, pp. 271-278). SAGE Reference.
  2. Simply Psychology, Operant Conditioning: What It Is, How It Works, And Examples (Saul Mcleod, Feb. 2, 2024). Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  3. Simply Psychology, Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment On Social Learning (Saul Mcleod, Feb. 1, 2024).,(1977)%20Social%20Learning%20Theory. Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  4. verywell mind, What Are the Big 5 Personality Traits? Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (Kendra Cherry, March 11, 2023). Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  5. NBC News (May 21, 2023), The shape of your brain may strongly influence your thoughts and behavior, study finds (Bendix, A.). Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  6. Sprouts (April 2022), Social Learning Theory: Bandura’s Bobo Beatdown Experiments [Video] (YouTube).,. Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  7. Kahan Academy (Sep. 13, 2013), Psychoanalytic theory [Video] (YouTube). Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  8. TEDx Saint Louis University (May 26, 2016), Brian Boutwell: The Future of Criminology [Video] (YouTube). Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  9. verywell mind, (Nov. 14, 2022) How Sociopaths Are Different from Psychopaths (Purse, M.). Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  10. JCS (May 26, 2021), What Pretending to be crazy looks like [Video] (YouTube). Accessed 3 March, 2024.
  11. AP Psychology (Aug. 26, 2013), Psychopathic Child (Calvin Hecker) [Video] (YouTube). Accessed 3 March, 2024.




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Criminology: Foundations and Modern Applications Copyright © 2023 by Eric Ramirez-Thompson, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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