
Classical and Rational Choice Theories

Module 5 introduces classical and rational choice theory as two distinct yet related perspectives that lend to foundations of early criminological thought. Classical theory in criminology refers to a school of thought that emerged during the Enlightenment period in the 18th century. It represents a significant departure from the prevailing views on crime and punishment at the time, which were often characterized by harsh and arbitrary methods of dealing with criminal behavior. Classical criminology is associated with the works of prominent thinkers such as Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. Their writings sought to establish a rational and systematic approach to understanding crime, punishment, and the functioning of the criminal justice system. Rational choice theory is a social science perspective that seeks to explain human behavior, including criminal behavior, based on the idea that individuals have agency. That is, humans are rational decision-makers who weigh the costs and benefits of their actions to maximize their self-interests. It is widely used in various fields, including economics, sociology, political science, and criminology.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • identify the major principles of the Classical School of criminology.
  • name some forerunners of classical thought in criminology.
  • list some important thinkers of the Classical School of criminology, and what was their legacy.
  • describe neoclassical criminology, and how does it differ from the classical perspective.
  • explain the role of punishment in neoclassical criminology.
  • describe the policy implications of the Classical School and of neoclassical thought.
  • recognize the social context of neoclassical theories and their rise to prominence in America during the 1970s.
  • describe the central concepts in deterrence theory, including specific, general, marginal, and focused deterrence.
  • recall what the various empirical tests indicate about the empirical status of deterrence theory.
  • explain the central concepts in the routine activities and lifestyle approaches to criminal behavior.
  • describe rational choice theory and its relationship to deterrence.
  • understand policy implications of rational choice theory, including criminal justice policies and situational crime prevention.


Classical and rational choice theories are two influential perspectives in criminology that attempt to explain criminal behavior based on rational decision-making processes. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct features and historical contexts.

Classical criminology emerged during the Enlightenment period in the 18th century and was popularized by thinkers like Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. It marked a significant shift away from the prevailing views of crime and punishment at the time, which were often characterized by harsh and arbitrary penalties.

Classical theory assumes that individuals are rational beings who make decisions based on a cost-benefit analysis. Criminal behavior is seen as a calculated choice made by individuals who weigh the potential benefits of the crime against the perceived risks of getting caught and punished.

A central concept in classical theory is deterrence. The theory posits that punishment can deter individuals from engaging in criminal acts. This idea is based on the belief that if the punishment is swift, certain, and severe, potential offenders will be dissuaded from committing crimes.

Classical criminologists emphasized the need for a fair and just legal system. They advocated for the rule of law and argued that all individuals, regardless of their social status or wealth, should be treated equally before the law.

Classical theorists proposed that individuals enter into a social contract with the state or society, surrendering certain freedoms in exchange for protection of their rights and property. Criminal acts were viewed as a breach of this social contract.

Rational choice theory builds upon the foundation of classical theory but takes a more individualistic and micro-level approach. It gained popularity in the late 20th century and is based on the principles of rational decision-making and utility maximization.

Rational choice theory focuses on the decision-making processes of individuals. It examines how individuals assess the costs and benefits of engaging in criminal behavior and how they seek to maximize their self-interest.

The theory emphasizes the importance of opportunity structures. It suggests that criminal acts are more likely to occur when there are suitable opportunities available for offenders to exploit. These opportunities might be influenced by factors such as the presence of capable guardianship, the attractiveness of potential targets, and the absence of effective deterrents.

Rational choice theory has practical applications in the field of crime prevention. By understanding the decision-making processes of potential offenders, situational crime prevention strategies aim to manipulate the factors that influence criminal opportunities, making crime less attractive or more difficult to commit.

Rational choice theory is closely related to routine activities theory, which was introduced by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson. Routine activities theory suggests that crime occurs when three elements converge: motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardianship.

Neoclassical theory in criminology is an extension and refinement of classical theory that emerged as a response to some of the limitations and criticisms of the classical perspective. While neoclassical theory shares many fundamental principles with classical theory, it introduces certain modifications and acknowledges additional factors that influence criminal behavior.

Neoclassical theory represents a more nuanced and flexible approach to understanding criminal behavior than classical theory. It seeks to strike a balance between acknowledging the role of rational choice and recognizing that human behavior can be influenced by various psychological, social, and situational factors. This perspective has contributed to ongoing discussions and reforms within the criminal justice system regarding the appropriate treatment of offenders based on individual circumstances and levels of responsibility.

While both classical and rational choice theories emphasize rational decision-making, rational choice theory takes a more nuanced approach by focusing on individual-level factors and situational contexts that influence criminal behavior. These theories have been influential in shaping modern criminological thought and have contributed to the development of crime prevention strategies and policies that aim to deter criminal activity by manipulating the cost-benefit calculations of potential offenders.

Key Takeaways

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Key Terms/Concepts

Click on the following key term/concept to view the definition:

Age of Reason (also known as the age of Enlightenment)
Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)
Ronald Clarke and Derek Cornish
Classical Criminology
Daniel Nagin
Gary Beker (1968)
Homo Economicus
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
Just Deserts
Natural Law
Neoclassical Criminology
Objective Deterrence
Perceptual Deterrence
Rational Choice Theory (RTC)
Routine Activities Theory
Self Control Theory
Situational Crime Control
Subjective Utility Model

Mapping Early Criminology

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Modern Application

Integrated Deterrence In Cyberspace

Integrated deterrence is a framework that combines all domains of warfare, all instruments of national power, and the coordinated capabilities of allies and partners to deter adversaries and defend national interests.

Because cyberspace is a contested and complex domain, it poses unique challenges and opportunities for integrated deterrence, such as the difficulty of attribution, the asymmetry of capabilities, the speed and scale of cyber operations, and the interdependence of public and private actors.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is implementing integrated deterrence in cyberspace by generating insights about the adversary’s cyber operations and capabilities, enabling better cyber defenses for the U.S. government, industry, and international partners, and acting to deter or disrupt adversary cyber actors and halt malicious activities.

Understanding concepts of deterrence within the context of cyberspace is increasing important as it will inform the authorities, identify domestic and international obligations, and aid in the assessment of risks of cyber operations.



Key Terms/Concepts

  • Resilient Deterrence – A strategic approach aimed at maintaining and enhancing the ability to deter adversaries through adaptable, robust, and enduring capabilities, which minimize the impact of disruptions thus reducing the incentive. This concept is commonly applied in military and defense contexts, but can also extend to cybersecurity, law enforcement, and other fields where deterrence is crucial, e.g., private and public digital infrastructures.

Read, Review, Watch and Listen

1. Voluntarily Read Chapter 23: Classical Perspective by Andy Hochstetler, Iowa State University (Hochstetler, 2009)

  • Print a copy or have access to this reading via a digital device for in class review and discussion.
  • To support the student’s reading of the article, they can listen to a recorded version of the same. Note that listening to the article is not a substitute for a careful and directed reading of the document

This chapter:

  • explains that classical criminology is rooted in the 18th-century ideas of philosophers like Beccaria and Bentham, who viewed crime through an economic lens and introduced rational choice theory, asserting that individuals make decisions to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.
  • discusses rational choice theory’s influence on modern criminology and its role in “get-tough” policies, while also cautioning that classical theory does not inherently advocate punitive measures but supports measured and evidence-based justice.
  • emphasizes that classical theorists believed in the necessity of rational, minimal, and effective punishment, advocating that laws should deter crime with the least possible harm to individuals and society.
  • describes how rational choice theory has evolved to incorporate social, economic, and psychological variables, allowing a more comprehensive understanding of how individuals assess the costs and benefits of crime.
  • highlights recent studies on deterrence that reveal how offenders adjust their perceptions of risk and reward based on past experiences, peer influence, and subjective probabilities of punishment.

2. Read Chapter 27: Deterrence and Rational Choice by Raymond Paternoster, University of Maryland (Paternoster, 2009)

  • Print a copy or have access to this reading via a digital device for in class review and discussion.
  • To support the student’s reading of the article, they can listen to a recorded version of the same. Note that listening to the article is not a substitute for a careful and directed reading of the document.

This chapter:

  • introduces deterrence and rational choice theories (RCT), explaining that both focus on how the perception of punishment affects individuals’ decisions to engage in or refrain from crime, with RCT also accounting for rewards of both criminal and non-criminal options.
  • differentiates between general deterrence, where individuals refrain from crime due to the threat of legal punishment, and specific deterrence, which prevents previously punished individuals from reoffending due to the fear of further punishment.
  • emphasizes that, according to rational choice theory, people make decisions about crime based on a rational assessment of potential benefits versus risks, which can include formal sanctions, informal sanctions, and personal moral concerns.
  • discusses empirical support for deterrence theory, noting that perceived certainty of punishment can have a deterrent effect, with informal sanctions such as shame and social disapproval often being more effective than formal sanctions alone.
  • explores various policy applications of RCT, suggesting that crime can be reduced by increasing the costs of crime, reducing the benefits of crime, increasing the benefits of legal alternatives, or lowering the costs associated with non-criminal behavior.

3. Review Twenty-Five Techniques of Situational Prevention: 25 techniques grid (ASU Center for Problem Oriented Policing, 2023)

a. Situational crime prevention is a key component of rational choice theory within the field of criminology. Rational choice theory is a theoretical framework that suggests that individuals make decisions to engage in criminal behavior based on a rational assessment of the potential costs and benefits of their actions. Situational crime prevention focuses on altering the immediate environment and situational factors to reduce the opportunities for crime and make criminal behavior less attractive to potential offenders.

4. Review the National Institute of Justice’s FIVE THINGS ABOUT DETERRENCE, (DOJ/OJP, May 2016)

5. Watch Self-Control Theory (Danielle MacCartney) [last accessed, Sep. 2023]. Also embedded below.

a. The self-control theory of crime, also known as the General Theory of Crime or the self-control theory, is a criminological theory developed by Travis Hirschi and Michael Gottfredson in 1990. This theory focuses on understanding why individuals engage in criminal behavior and what factors contribute to their decision to commit crimes. The central premise of this theory is that low self-control is the primary factor underlying criminal behavior.

6. Watch The Trouble with Long Prison Terms (Justice Policy Institute, September 2020)

a, The effectiveness of long prison terms in deterring crime is a complex and debated issue within the field of criminology. While some proponents argue that longer sentences act as a deterrent by incapacitating potential offenders and sending a message that crime will be met with severe punishment, others contend that the relationship between long prison terms and crime deterrence is not straightforward.

b. The relationship between long prison terms and crime deterrence is not straightforward, and its effectiveness can vary depending on the type of crime, individual factors, and societal conditions. While long prison sentences may deter some individuals from committing crimes, they are not a panacea for reducing crime rates. Many experts argue for a more balanced approach to criminal justice that considers factors such as rehabilitation, reintegration, and addressing the root causes of criminal behavior in addition to punitive measures like long prison terms.

7. Watch Reason TV’s 3 Reasons to Get Rid of the Death Penalty (Sep. 9, 2014) – last accessed September 2023. Also embedded below.

a. The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is a controversial and heavily debated topic when considered as a form of deterrence in criminal justice systems. The central argument in favor of the death penalty as a deterrent is that the prospect of facing the ultimate punishment, death, can deter individuals from committing serious crimes, particularly murder. However, this argument is fraught with complexities, and its effectiveness as a deterrent is a subject of extensive research and debate.

b. The idea behind using the death penalty as a deterrent is rooted in deterrence theory, which suggests that potential offenders weigh the potential costs and benefits of their actions before committing a crime. Proponents argue that the death penalty, being the harshest punishment possible, can act as a strong deterrent because individuals may be less likely to commit a murder if they fear execution.

c. Criminologists argue that potential offenders are influenced by various complex factors, such as socioeconomic conditions, family background, drug addiction, mental health issues, and the perceived likelihood of getting caught, in addition to the severity of punishment. Therefore, the effectiveness of the death penalty as a deterrent is challenging to isolate from these other influences.

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Read, Review, Watch and Listen to all listed materials by the due date listed within the course LMS (i.e., Blackboard) site.

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Activity – Assessing Deterrence, the Death Penalty, and the Administration of Justice


Students should review the course syllabus to determine the assignment of this activity.

This is a copy of the module’s activity that students find within Blackboard. For that reason, refer to the Activities page to submit your work for review.


The purpose of this activity is to advance the student’s understanding of the death penalty from the context of the neoclassical perspective and to either establish or challenge their own established position on the subject. Particular attention is given to the concept of deterrence and its application within a modern context.


  1. Review 5 Things About Deterrence (NIJ, May 2016) [see attached]
  2. Review the Death Penalty Information Center (DCIP) 2024 fact sheet (see attached)
  3. Watch Reason TV’s 3 Reasons to Get Rid of the Death Penalty (Sep. 9, 2014)
  4. Watch, Gov. Gavin Newsom on halting death penalty: “It’s a racist system. You cannot deny that.”
  5. Watch, CA Governor Spares 700+ Lives By Ending Death Penalty | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC (also embedded below).
  6. Review the related, but not required United States Department of Justice / Bureau of Justice Statistics Capital Punishment, 2021 Statistical Tables

California Governor Imposes a Moratorium on the Death Penalty

The following example is emblematic of social and attitudinal changes throughout the country. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order that placed a moratorium on the death penalty within the state on March 13, 2019. In addition to the moratorium, the executive order also called for the repeal of lethal injections protocols and a closure of the San Quentin execution chamber. Governor Newsom’s move has been praised by some as a progressives move towards fixing the inequality inherent in the criminal justice system. However, he has also received backlash from those who argue that he has gone against Californian voters, who in 2012 and 2016 rejected ballot measures to abolish the death penalty within the state.

Answer the following questions:

  • From a deterrence perspective, describe what you believe is the most convincing argument for the death penalty?
  • From a deterrence perspective, describe what you believe is the least convincing argument for the death penalty?
  • Based on your first two responses, do you believe that the death penalty deters crime? Explain and be specific.
  • In your estimation, did Governor Gavin Newsom made the right decision in imposing the moratorium on the death penalty in the state of California? Explain and be specific.

Key Concepts

Just deserts – suggests that punishment rightfully reflects the pain caused and is thus earned by the law violator.

Retribution – similar to just deserts and implies that criminals (i.e., law violators), deserve to be punished because they have violated a legal system from which everyone benefits.

General deterrence – the idea that punishing offenders sets an example and deters the rest of society from engaging in law violating activities.

Specific deterrence – the principle of refers to the use of punishment for criminal activity intended to discourage a specific individual from re-offending.

Discussion Questions

  1. How rational and deterrence theories account for the influence of emotions, impulses, or peer pressure on criminal behavior?
  2. What are some of the unintended consequences or side effects of relying on sanctions to prevent crime?
  3. How can deterrence and rational choice theories inform crime prevention policies and programs?
  4. How do classical criminology and rational choice perspectives differ in their assumptions, methods, and applications?
  5. How do the concepts of deterrence and self-control relate to the classical and rational choice perspectives on crime?
  6. How do individuals and groups make or structure decisions that lead them to engage in or abstain from criminal behavior?

Supplemental Resources


  1. Hochstetler, A. (2009). Classical Perspectives. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st Century Reference Series21st Century CriminologyA Reference Handbook (Vol. 1, pp. 201-209). SAGE Reference. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3201600034/GVRL?u=cod_lrc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=fe41aea7
  2. Paternoster, R. (2009). Deterrence and Rational Choice Theories. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st Century Reference Series21st Century CriminologyA Reference Handbook (Vol. 1, pp. 236-244). SAGE Reference. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3201600038/GVRL?u=cod_lrc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=79736864
  3. Arizona State University (2023), Twenty-Five Techniques of Situational Prevention (Center for Problem Oriented Policing, 2023). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g4meX_GHR2tu3zlFPFp5srGSc6aWOrVq/view. Accessed 19, Feb. 2024.
  4. National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ). FIVE THINGS ABOUT DETERRENCE, (DOJ/OJP, May 2016). https://drive.google.com/file/d/16p1KSzLr-NV-4MD2X5EM8I_Ln2leL_bS/view. Accessed 19 Feb. 2024.
  5. Danielle MacCartney (Oct. 2021), Self-Control Theory. https://youtu.be/AiIIDC3fHGY?si=t_tIzykM4MTgJ6-P. Accessed 19 Feb. 2024.
  6. Justice Policy Institute (Sep. 2020), TheTrouble with Long Prison Terms (Justice Policy Institute, September 2020). https://justicepolicy.org/long-prison-terms/. Accessed 19 Feb. 2024.
  7. Reason TV, 3 Reasons to Get Rid of the Death Penalty (Sep. 9, 2014). https://youtu.be/qI1-rneRkDE?si=gNFPamsx2h_r5Ilh. Accessed 19 Feb. 2024.




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