
Criminology and Public Policy

Module 2 provides an overview of the connection between criminology and public policy. An informed and effective social policy is the byproduct of empirical work undertaken by dedicated social scientists who seek to understand the nature and extent of crime within the context of existing criminal justice and social policy. This module explores those natural and yet inextricable links between criminology and public policy, which often dilutes the impact and influence that research findings might reveal. Particular attention is given to understanding the policy-relevant research that in many instances has little to no measurable effect on public policy.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • sequence the emergence of criminology as a theoretically oriented field of study.
  • discuss the influence of criminal justice on the study of crime.
  • describe the difference between criminology and criminal justice.
  • examine arguments in favor of and against the participation of criminal justice in the study of crime.
  • list ways that criminology informs public policy.
  • define program evaluation as a method for assessing the process and impact of criminal justice programs.
  • explain the significance of program evaluation as a method for assessing the process and impact of criminal justice programs.
  • identify important types and components of program evaluation.
  • describe some important evaluation studies in criminology and criminal justice.
  • list various methods of evaluation research.


Criminology and public policy share a close and interconnected relationship. Criminology is the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. Public policy, on the other hand, refers to the actions and decisions made by governmental bodies to address societal issues and shape the overall functioning of society.

The link between criminology and public policy is multifaceted and revolves around the understanding, prevention, control, and response to crime. Criminological research and theories provide valuable insights into the causes and consequences of criminal behavior, which in turn inform the development and implementation of effective public policies.

Here are some key aspects of the link between criminology and public policy:

  1. Informing policy development – Criminological research helps policymakers understand the underlying causes of crime, such as social, economic, and psychological factors. This knowledge can guide the formulation of evidence-based policies that address these root causes and reduce criminal behavior.
  2. Crime prevention strategies – Criminologists study various crime prevention strategies and their effectiveness. These insights help policymakers design and implement targeted interventions to prevent crime, such as community policing initiatives, situational crime prevention measures, or rehabilitation programs for offenders.
  3. Criminal justice system reform – Criminological research critically examines the functioning and outcomes of the criminal justice system. It identifies areas of improvement, such as reducing recidivism rates, addressing racial or socio-economic disparities, or improving the fairness and efficiency of the system. This information can guide policymakers in reforming laws, policies, and practices within the criminal justice system.
  4. Evidence-based policy evaluation – Criminology plays a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of existing policies and programs aimed at crime reduction or offender rehabilitation. Through rigorous research methodologies, criminologists assess the impact of policies, helping policymakers make informed decisions about continuing, modifying, or discontinuing certain approaches.
  5. Public safety and risk assessment – Criminologists contribute to public policy by studying the risks and threats to public safety, such as terrorism, organized crime, or cybercrime. Their findings aid policymakers in developing strategies to mitigate these risks, enhance public safety, and allocate resources effectively.
  6. Shaping public opinion and discourse – Criminology, through its research findings, can shape public opinion and public discourse on crime-related issues. This influence can guide public policy by creating awareness, mobilizing public support for specific policies or reforms, and facilitating public engagement in decision-making processes.

It is important to recognize that the link between criminology and public policy is a dynamic and ongoing process. Criminologists and policymakers need to collaborate, share knowledge, and engage in an iterative dialogue to develop effective policies that promote public safety, crime prevention, and justice.

Key Takeaways

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Overview of the Evidence-Based Approach

The evidence-based approach can be applied to policymaking in various fields. The first step is to identify the problem. That is, clearly define the problem that needs to be addressed. This could be a societal issue, a health concern, an educational gap, etc.

Second, conduct rigorous research to gather data and evidence about the problem. This could involve reviewing existing literature, conducting new studies, or analyzing data.

Third, conduct an analysis of the data, which requires the use statistical methods to analyze the data and draw conclusions. The goal is to understand the causes and effects of the problem, and to identify potential solutions.

Fourth, based on the evidence derived from the statistical analysis, develop policy proposals that are likely to address the problem effectively. These proposals should be grounded in the evidence, not just in theory or ideology.

The fifth step involves the implementation of the policy. That is, put the policy into action. This could involve passing legislation, launching programs, allocating resources, etc.

Sixth and arguably one of the most important steps involves evaluation. Meaning, after the policy has been implemented, conduct further research to evaluate its effectiveness. This could involve collecting new data, conducting surveys, etc.

Finally, results derived from the evaluation must contribute to the refining of the policy as needed. This could involve adjusting, scaling up successful initiatives, or trying new approaches.

This process ensures that policies are not just based on theory or ideology but are grounded in evidence about what works. It promotes accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in policymaking. It’s important to note that this is an iterative process – policies should be continually monitored, evaluated, and refined based on new evidence. This approach can be applied to any field, from healthcare and education to environmental policy and criminal justice. It requires a commitment to rigorous research, open-mindedness to the evidence, and a willingness to make policy decisions based on what the evidence shows, rather than what one might intuitively believe or prefer.

The importance of the evidence-based approach was realized during what is termed the ‘What Works’ movement. The ‘What Works’ movement in criminology emerged in the late 20th century as a response to the idea that “nothing works” in rehabilitation, which had been widely accepted after Robert Martinson’s 1974 study. The movement focuses on identifying and implementing evidence-based practices that effectively reduce crime and recidivism. It emphasizes rigorous research, particularly systematic reviews and meta-analyses, to determine what interventions—such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, rehabilitation programs, and targeted policing strategies—actually produce measurable results. The approach prioritizes data-driven decision-making in criminal justice policies, ensuring that resources are allocated to programs with proven effectiveness rather than those based on tradition or ideology.

Test Your Knowledge

Print a copy of the following worksheet and bring it to class! As an alternative, complete the worksheet while you read through the above overview.

Steps of Evidence Based Research

Key Terms/Concepts

Click on the following key term/concept to view the definition:

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS)
Agency Practice
American Society of Criminology (ASC)
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.®)
Efficiency Analysis
Evaluation Research
Evidence-Based Criminology
Expert Testimony
Formative Evaluations
Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.®)
Impact Evaluation
Intensive Supervision Programs (ISP)
Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment
Legislative Process
Needs Assessment
Peer Review
Process Evaluation
Public Policy
Summative Evaluations
What Works Paradigm
White Papers

Modern Application

1. Cybercriminology – combines coursework within the behavioral sciences and Computer Science to study the growing problem of computer crime.

Want to learn more about the study of Cybercriminology? Then CLICK HERE and explore the British Journal of Cyber Criminology (BJCC). The BJCC is a peer-reviewed online (open access) journal focused on the criminal activities that occur within the cyber environment, such as those involving computer networks, information systems, and the internet.

2. It is important for criminologists to engage the media (i.e., news making criminology) because the public’s understanding of crime, justice, and policy is often shaped by news coverage and popular narratives. By actively participating in media discussions, criminologists can provide evidence-based insights that counter misinformation, challenge stereotypes, and promote informed decision-making. Their expertise can help contextualize crime trends, explain the effectiveness of policies, and advocate for reforms based on research rather than sensationalism. Additionally, media engagement allows criminologists to bridge the gap between academia and the general public, ensuring that criminological knowledge contributes to a more just and effective criminal justice system.

The forthcoming article by Eric R. Ramirez-Thompson, PhD is an example of how criminologists identify modern forms of crime and contribute to the public’s understanding.

The intense public and media attention surrounding the accused perpetrator in the homicide of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, Luigi Mangione, serves as the impetus for this study. While there exists a justifiable reluctance to engage in discourse that could be perceived as valorizing individuals who commit violent offenses, criminologists have an obligation to examine the underlying factors that contribute to such acts. Criminology, as a discipline, is uniquely positioned to investigate the interplay of internal and external forces that shape criminal behavior. In this case, an analysis of Mangione’s alleged actions within a contemporary framework is both appropriate and necessary. Specifically, this study explores the potential correlation between social media usage and the manifestation of envy, a phenomenon that has become increasingly salient in the discourse following Thompson’s death.

Read, Review, Watch and Listen

  1. Read Chapter 3: Criminology and Public Policy by Todd R. Clear, John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Natasha A. Frost, Northeastern University (Clear & Frost, 2009)
  • Print a copy or have access to this reading via a digital device for in class review and discussion.
  • To support the student’s reading of the article, they can listen to a recorded version of the same. Note that listening to the article is not a substitute for a careful and directed reading of the document.

This chapter:

  • highlights the complex relationship between criminology and public policy, emphasizing that despite criminology’s natural relevance to policy matters, its impact on policymaking has been limited historically due to various academic and institutional barriers​.
  • discusses the emergence and evolution of criminology, explaining how it initially focused on understanding crime through theoretical perspectives, while the field of criminal justice developed later to examine and assess the functioning of criminal justice institutions​.
  • explores the “what works” movement in criminology, advocating for evidence-based policies grounded in rigorous research and systematic evaluations to guide interventions in crime prevention, corrections, and policing​.
  • addresses the debate on whether criminologists should engage directly in policy advocacy, presenting arguments both for and against active involvement, including ethical obligations to prevent injustice and concerns over politicization of research findings​.
  • examines how criminologists can influence policy through individual efforts, such as publishing policy-relevant research and participating in media, as well as through collective actions by professional organizations advocating for evidence-based practices and responsible use of crime data​.

2. Voluntarily read Chapter 50: Program Evaluation, by Jodi Lane, University of Florida (Lane, 2009)

  • Print a copy or have access to this reading via a digital device for in class review and discussion.
  • To support the student’s reading of the article, they can listen to a recorded version of the same. Note that listening to the article is not a substitute for a careful and directed reading of the document.

This chapter:

  • explains the purpose of program evaluation in criminal justice, emphasizing its role in assessing the effectiveness of programs aimed at reducing crime and aiding offenders, thus helping policymakers allocate limited resources efficiently​.
  • outlines different types of evaluations, including needs assessments, process evaluations, impact evaluations, and efficiency analyses, each serving a unique function in evaluating whether programs meet their intended goals and provide value​.
  • highlights the importance of collaboration between researchers and practitioners, noting that evaluators bring scientific rigor to assess program outcomes, while practitioners provide practical insights necessary for accurate evaluations​.
  • discusses the challenges in measuring program impact, stressing the need for comparison groups and well-defined outcome measures to determine whether observed changes in clients result directly from the program rather than other factors​.
  • underscores the value of process evaluations, which help ensure that a program’s delivery aligns with its original design, providing insights for improvement if discrepancies or implementation issues are identified​.

3. Review Department of Justice’s What is G.R.E.A.T. (accessed, January 2024)

4. Watch United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Office of Justice Programs (OJP). National Institute of Justice (NIJ). Strengthen Science. Advance Justice.

5. Watch Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Evaluation Readiness for Reentry Programs (National Reentry Resource Center, April 2021)

  • This brief video from the Evaluation and Sustainability Training and Technical Assistance (ES TTA) team at RTI International and the Center for Justice Innovation (formerly the Center for Court Innovation) provides an overview of these five key considerations to determine whether your program is ready for evaluation.

6. Watch York County Virginia U.S. YPSO D A R E Program 2023 [located below]

7. Watch G.R.E.A.T. Summer Program

The Chicago Police Department is helping kids have a G.R.E.A.T. summer! The Gang Resistance Education And Training program is a gang violence prevention initiative. Dozens of 3rd-8th graders from across the city are taking part in a summer program focusing on life skills, self-esteem building and sports. It’s all to help keep kids safe and active, and plant seeds of positive interaction with the police.

8. Listen to PBS WHYY: The police experiment that changed what we know about foot patrol (by Liz Tung, November 15, 2019) [last accessed, August 2023) [click on “Listen” link within the webpage]

9. Listen to the National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) Justice Today Podcast: Progressing from Evidence to Action (21.27). Scroll down to the featured item from within the podcast list.

Evidence-Based Approach by the Numbers (ungraded ~ concept reinforcement only).

To access the PPT file, click HERE. Note that files are updated regularly and as such might change in content and appearance.

Read, Review, Watch and Listen to all listed materials by the due date listed within the course LMS (i.e., Blackboard) site.

Contact the professor with any course-related questions

Click HERE to report any needed updates, e.g., broken links.


Activity – Understanding the Role of Criminology as a Crime Science in Combating Cybercrimes Like Ransomware


Students should review the course syllabus and/or the Weekly Checklist to determine the assignment of this activity.

This is a copy of the module’s activity that students find within Blackboard. For that reason, refer to the Activities page to submit your work for review.


The purpose of this activity is to explore examples of how social scientists, most specifically criminologists, have contributed to public policy within the digital environment.


Criminologists have made significant contributions to the understanding and combating of cybercrime. For example, they continue to provide accurate information to policymakers to develop effective strategies to combat cybercrime. e.g., Better Cybercrime Metrics Act (May 2022). Their research findings can inform policy decisions, ensuring they are based on evidence rather than just theory or ideology.

Those in the social sciences have conducted extensive research to better understand the criminogenic environment of the online world. They have expounded on existing theory to explain why individuals engage in cybercrime within the context of traditional theoretical frameworks, such as Rational Choice Theory, Social Learning Theory, Strain Theory, Routine Activities Theory, and Self-Control Theory. Improved theoretical models help us understand the various motives, opportunities, and situational factors that contribute to cybercrime and in turn provide the basis for policy-based recommendations.

Because cybercrime is a complex issue, it requires knowledge from various fields such as Criminology, Victimology, Sociology, Internet Science, and Computer Science. Therefore, criminologists have embraced an interdisciplinary approach, which is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of cybercrime and its prevention. To that end, criminologists play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of cybercrime, training future cybersecurity professionals, informing policy decisions, and promoting an interdisciplinary approach to tackling cybercrime.


  1. Review Module 2 Key Terms/Concepts and those listed below
  2. Read The U.S. Is Less Prepared to Fight Cybercrime Than It Could Be (GAO, August 29, 2023)
  3. Review U.S. Ransomware attacks on schools threaten student data nationwide by Ash-har Quraishi, Ari Sen, Scott Pham, Amy Corral, Taylor Johnston (August 26, 2024)
  4. Listen to Ransomware and Other Cyberattacks on K-12 Schools [also attached to this activity]

Answer the following questions:

  • Identify some of the challenges and limitations that federal law enforcement agencies face in tracking and most specifically reporting of cybercrime? Describe how could criminologists help overcome some of these challenges?
  • Consider the impact and consequences of cybercrime on individuals, schools, businesses, and governments. How might social science research help these entities protect themselves from cybercrime and mitigate the damages?
  • Revisit the above listed list of Key Terms/Concepts and identify the most appropriate research approach and then explain how that might assist with the coordination between various governmental agencies responsible for combating cybercrime.

Key Terms/Concepts

Cybercrime – Criminal activities that target a computer or network to cause damage or steal information, or the use of computers to conduct criminal activity, like using the internet to facilitate the sale or exchange of illicit goods.

Evidence-based policy evaluation – Criminology plays a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of existing policies and programs aimed at crime reduction or offender rehabilitation. Through rigorous research methodologies, criminologists assess the impact of policies, helping policymakers make informed decisions about continuing, modifying, or discontinuing certain approaches.

Public Policy – Refers to the decisions, actions, and guidelines adopted by governments or public authorities to address societal issues, regulate behavior, and promote the collective well-being of the public. It encompasses a wide range of laws, regulations, programs, and initiatives that shape and guide the actions of governments and public institutions.

Ransomware – A type of malicious software that encrypts the victim’s files or blocks access to the computer system until a ransom is paid.

Refer to the course learning management system (LMS); that is Blackboard (BB), for the correct due date. In addition, submit your work via BB for grading.

What Works Paradigm – The What Works paradigm in criminology is an evidence-based approach that emphasizes the use of scientifically tested and proven interventions to reduce crime and recidivism. Rooted in empirical research and systematic evaluations, this paradigm prioritizes data-driven decision-making over traditional or ideological approaches to criminal justice policy.

Discussion Questions

  1. How do you evaluate the arguments for and against criminologists’ participation in public policy? Which position do you find more convincing and why?
  2. What are the advantages and challenges of using random assignment in program evaluation?
  3. How can program evaluators balance the needs and expectations of different stakeholders?
  4. What are some of the challenges and opportunities for criminologists to engage with the media and influence public opinion on crime and justice issues?
  5. What are some examples of unintended consequences of programs and how can they be measured and reported?
  6. What are some of the ethical and professional implications of taking formal organizational positions on controversial or contentious criminological debates? How should criminological associations balance the need for scientific rigor and policy relevance?
  7. Identify the most effective way to evaluate the program, “A new scared straight: Project STORM” as an example of potential harm when criminal justice practice is divorced from crime science, i.e., criminology.

Supplemental Resources


  1. Clear, T. R., & Frost, N. A. (2009). Criminology and Public Policy. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st Century Reference Series21st Century CriminologyA Reference Handbook (Vol. 1, pp. 18-26). SAGE Reference. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3201600012/GVRL?u=cod_lrc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=abc720f9
  2. Lane, J. (2009). Program Evaluation. In J. M. Miller (Ed.), 21st Century Reference Series21st Century CriminologyA Reference Handbook (Vol. 1, pp. 428-436). SAGE Reference. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3201600062/GVRL?u=cod_lrc&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=299b11a2
  3. Gang Resistance Education and Training. National Gang Center. https://nationalgangcenter.ojp.gov/spt/Programs/68. Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.
  4. United States Department of Justice (DOJ). Office of Justice Programs (OJP). National Institute of Justice (NIJ). Strengthen Science. Advance Justice. https://cod.pressbooks.pub/app/uploads/sites/148/2023/08/nij-brochure-flier.pdf. Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.
  5. National Institute of Justice (NIJ). Desistance From Crime Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice. https://youtu.be/NRkTRL5Ie34?feature=shared
  6. York County Virginia. YPSO D A R E Program 2023.  https://youtu.be/_fxe5RWSdoo?feature=shared. Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.
  7. G.R.E.A.T. Summer Program. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=442653466325917&ref=sharing. Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.
  8. PBS WHYY. The police experiment that changed what we know about foot patrol (Liz Tung, Nov. 19, 2019). Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.
  9. National Institute of Justice (NIJ). Progressing from evidence to action. [21.27 mins]. Accessed 9 Jan. 2024.


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Criminology: Foundations and Modern Applications Copyright © 2023 by Eric Ramirez-Thompson, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.